
Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana-Gramin ( PMAY-G)

Date : 01/01/1996 - | Sector: Panchayat and Rural Development

Special Measures to gear-up performance:-

Observation of Awaas Week – To increase performance district-wide all out effort is employed where all levels of functionaries (GP, Block & District-level officials) concentrate in all aspects of Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana-Gramin ( PMAY-G). The ultimate target is to help the beneficiaries to get his / her house completed so that the housewarming could be achieved. During the 2021-22 following weeks were observed –

24.06.2021 to 30.06.2021

28.07.2021 to 03.08.2021;

01.10.2021 to 07.10.2021

08.11.2021 to 14.11.2021

Rural Housing Project

Publicity of the entitlement of a beneficiary – To sensitize the beneficiaries street drama, circumambulation of tableau, leaflet, banners, rally, seminar with beneficiaries has also been arranged.

Monitoring and Review

For every scheme the monitoring plays important part for getting the desired results. PMAY-G scheme is no different, and due to the number of beneficiaries the monitoring work is uphill task. It is done in following level-

Monthly Review Meeting with Block Development Officers by the District Magistrate, Purulia.

Monthly Review meeting with Block Nodal Officer (PMAY-G) taken by DNO, DPMU (Housing), Purulia.

Monthly Review meeting with Awaasbandhus, GP level Nodal Officers taken by concerned BDOs as well as by DNO, DPMU (Housing), Purulia.
Extensive field visit by the BDOs, DNO, DPMU (Housing) and District PMAY-G Cell.

Monitoring through webinar, Google sheet reporting.

Rural Housing Project

Technical Support

DIA, PZP is the principal technical support person for PMAY-G related issues.

Due to DBT sometimes account related problem arises due to which the beneficiary is aggrieved. Such problems are promptly solved from district end.

Most recent case of 309 SC beneficiaries of Begunkodar GP under Jhalda-II Development Block was solved promptly by District intervention.
Mason Training.

The PMAY-G house is a low budget house requiring exercise of discretion from the end of beneficiaries. Otherwise the house may become too big which is not possible to complete within the given grant. So mason training plays a vital role with the objective of creating competent masons in rural areas. All BDOs are completed the mason training in their block.

Implementing Officials

At Gram Panchayat Level one or more Awaasbandhu / facilitator and one GP Level Nodal Officer looks after PMAY-G scheme. At Block level one Block Level Nodal Officer, BIO / DEO looks after PMAY-G with overall supervision and control of concerned BDOs. At District level monitoring is done through DPMU (Housing).

Rural Housing Project

Future Road-map :-

Completion of Households (PMAY-G):-

District house completion rate should reach 95% of house sanctioned to be achieved by end of April, 2022.

Awaas+ :-

Regarding Awaas+ all GPs must complete full Job Card Mapping of all Awaas+ beneficiaries.

Aadhar Seeding :-

From 1st. November, 2021, all release of installment to existing beneficiaries has been covered in ABPS (Aadhar Based Payment System) mode.
Aadhar seeding of all households members in the Awaas+ are to be completed.

Aadhar seeding of all household heads in Awaas+ must also be completed.




Rural Housing Development

How To Apply