Animal Resource
Purulia district, a part of Chotonagpur range with its underlating lateritic soil and covered with forest is the ideal for animal husbandry particularly sheep, pig and backyard poultry. Dairy farming is also profitable adjacent to the urban areas.(Purulia, Raghunathpur, Adra etc.)
For upliftment of the status of the animal owner Government of West Bengal is trying its level best. Following organizational setup is as follows: –
- Office of the deputy director of ARD at Belguma, Purulia with a farmers training Centre (Prani Sampad Prashikshan Bhaban), a District Composite Farm (with 400 RIR Fowl and 300 Khaki kamble duck Capacity), One district Veterinary Hospital with pathological Laboratory.
- There are 2 State Animal health center at Municipality area of Jhalda and Raghunathpur and 5 other State Animal health center at Kashipur, Adra, Manbazar, Balarampur and Sindri – Chas Road. In each Block (out of all 20) One Block Livestock Development officer, One Block Animal Health Centre(20) , one Addl. Block Animal Health Centre (19) except Purulia –II Dev. Block. In each G.P area there is one Animal Development Aid Centre (126). In addition, there is one Prani Bandhu in each G.P under a self employment Scheme through Pashim Banga Go- Sampad Bikash Sanstha – a Government of West Bengal Undertaking Organization.
- There is one Dairy Plant-milk processing plant just outside the Training Centre.
Deputy Director is the administrative head in the district. Under the guidance of him District Veterinary Officer, Assistant Director (Disease investigation), Assistant Director (Administration), Assistant Director (Cattle & diary Development, Assistant director (Fodder), Assistant Director (Small Animal), Assistant Director (District Farm), Assistant Director ( Centre Medicine Store) and Assistant Director (Reserve) work together.
Veterinary Officer of District Veterinary Hospital and State Animal Health Centre treat the ailing animals at their center & also Artificial Insemination of Cattle is done there.
Block Live Stock Development Officer is administrative head in the block—act as Draw & Disbursing Officer perform the extension works with the help of Veterinary Officers, Livestock Development Assistants and Prani Bandhus. Veterinary Officer at BAHC and ABAHC treat the ailing animal at this center and help the BLDo in extension work (Animal Health Camp, Awareness Camp, Training Programme of Farmers), Disease control, Fodder Development, Formation of Milk Co- operatives etc.
Livestock Development Assistants at ADAC Situated gram Panchayet Officer render First Aid to ailing animals, done A.I and help BLDO & VO for extension works.
Prani Bandhu (Self-employer) has done A.I at the Farmers doorstep and renders first aid treatment, Vaccination.
Training of Farmers:
In training center any farmers can develop their knowledge / skill on dairy, goatery, poultry ( piggery at Midnapur and Haringhata).
In this training, farmers are enriched with knowledge of housing, feeding, breeding, Management practices (Disease control, vaccination) marketing of products and scheme preparation.
Training duration : 1 (one) month.
Class hours : 2.30 hours daily generally 11 AM to 1.30 PM daily on working days.
After successful completion of training certificate is given. This certificate may help in getting different loans on animal husbandly schemes.
Training on government sponsored schemes:
Farmers selected for Govt. sponsored schemes (through DRDC, Through milk union etc.) got the chances for residential training.
Facilities for fooding and lodging are available. Accommodation of 50 members is available.
Paschim Banga Go- Sampad Bikash Sanstha: under the ARD Dept. of W.B. works mainly for breed up gradation of cattle, District Executive Officer(DEO) supervises the A.I through frozen semen technologies in the district of Purulia. Distribution of frozen semen straw and liquid nitrogen to all 170 G.P area and Prani bandhu, preparation of fertility Camp, Awareness Camp, Seminar etc. are organized by this Sanstha.
Manbhum Co- Operative Milk Producers Union Ltd: Collected milk from producers co-operative society at various corner of district of Purulia. They process, package the milk for sale at the market of Purulia , RNPur etc.
District Composite Farm: RIR Fowl, Khaki Kemble duck, Japanese Quall. Rabbit are reared for breeding purpose only.1300 chicks and 700 ducklings are produced from this farm every week for distribution to farmers selected as beneficiaries for different Govt. schemes.
On Going Schemes of ARD: RKVY, Entrepreneurship Development, Family Based Schemes, ATMA, ADMI etc.
(Source: Deputy Director of ARD, Purulia)