
Animal Resources Development

Date : 01/01/2020 - | Sector: Animal Resources Development

Agro-Climatic and topographical condition of the Purulia is highly suitable for animal husbandry. The livestock population of the district is about 985267 cattle & buffalo, 980832 sheep & goat, 62354 pig, 1882558 poultry & duck..

Animal Resources Development Department, Purulia is having a good network of animal health care and management facilities comprising of eight(8) State Animal Health Centres, twenty(20) Block Animal Health Centres, nineteen (19) Additional Block Animal Health Centres, 127 Animal Development Aid Centres, ten (10) Mobile Veterinary Clinics (covering 12 block areas) and a total number of 748 self employed (Prani Bandhu/Pranisebi/Pranimitrsa/A.I. worker) personals working under the supervision of Block Livestock Development Officers (block level) and Deputy Director, ARD & PO, Purulia (district level).

Animal Resources Development Department, Purulia is working in continuous and progressive manner to render better ARD related services among the common people in the form of animal health care through treatment (no. of patient treated in FY 21-22 – 3326734 approx.) and vaccination (no. of animal vaccinated in FY 21-22 – 1903479 approx.), breed upgradation through Artificial Insemination (no. of AI done in FY 21-22 – 94990) and calf rearing(No. of calves born in FY 21-22 – 22088 ), augmentation of livestock related production by distributing animal husbandry inputs.

In FY 21-22, 4620 goats to 220 SHGs, 170 heifers to 170 individual beneficiaries, 138890 chicks (28 days old) to 13889 individual beneficiaries, 2000 chicks (28 days old) to 40 SHGs, 27560 ducklings (28 days old) to 2756 individual beneficiaries & 2600 ducklings (28 days old) to 52 SHGs were distributed under various AH input supply scheme for breed upgradation, improvement of production of MILK, MEAT & EGG & eventually uplift of rural economy in Purulia district. Capacity building of animal owners have been achieved by conducting training and awareness programme on good animal husbandry practices.

Total no. of persons benefitted through different ARD services and input distribution in FY 21-22 is approximately 325718.

Manbhum Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union Ltd (MAMUL) Is working to attract rural people in dairy sector by forming Milk Producers Co-operative Society and collecting milk from them at reasonable rate, thereafter marketing the various millk products through ‘Misti Jungalmahal’ & ‘Sweets on Wheel ‘ outlets. MAMUL is generating employment in dairy sector, accelerating the uplift of economy and infusing the co-operative mindset in dairy farmers for progressive sociological change.

private poultry sectors for establishment of layer farms under the “West Bengal Incentive Scheme 2017 for commercial layer poultry & poultry breeding farms”. Nine commercial layer poultry farms under the said scheme is functioning in the district producing approximately 2.5 lakhs egg per day. The present production of egg in Purulia including production in backyard poultry farming and commercial layer farms is approximately 30 crore per year. A potential employment generation is happening in this sector.

Kishan Credit Card- Animal Husbandry (KCC-AH) is the new effort of ARD Department in FY 21-22 to promote the profitable farming by making arrangement of loan on working capital to potential farmers. During FY 21-22, 3885 farmers applied for KCC AH loan which are under process in the banking sector.




Animal Resources Development

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